Yogi Tea "Classic" Organic

CHF 4.50
In stock

The power and warmth of India.
YOGI TEA® Classic is the tea that started it all - Yogi Bhajan served it to his students after yoga classes in 1969. This tea contains the concentrated power of exotic spices: Gentle, sweet cinnamon, tangy inspiring ginger, sweet cardamom full of essential oils, cloves, pepper. Warming and relaxing, delicious, spicy, wonderful. Best enjoyed sweetened and with a dash of milk or milk substitute.

Ingredients: Cinnamon* (50%), cardamom* (15%), ginger* (15%), cloves*, black pepper*, cinnamon oil*. *controlled organic cultivation

Tea type: Spice tea
Tea packaging: Gastro tea bags
Packaging: Paper packaging
Content: 37.4g (17x2.2g)

Yogi Tea
  • 37.4g (17x2.2g)
  • black Pepper
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon bark
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Cloves
  • Ginger
  • Paper packaging
  • Spice tea
Verpackung Tee
  • Gastro-Teebeutel
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